Broader Frontends
Author : Kazuhiro Hara
Author : Kazuhiro Hara
Sat Jan 20 2024

I find it beneficial to have a setup with Next.js + TailwindCSS + Contentful + Cloudflare Pages because it allows for continuous writing and editing. It's also great that the design permits updates, even if it's just a single line.



About site

Broader Frontends website has been launched

I came up with the phrase ’Broader Frontends’ to describe my diverse interests. This site explores a wide range of topics, including web, XR, UI design, backend, infrastructure, and anything else that sparks my curiosity.

About Me

Banner of Kansock.Industries

Kansock.Industries, which operates Yorohiroi Frontend, accepts consultations mainly on frontends. Please feel free to contact us.